The Tree Of Life In New Orleans: An Anusara Yoga Meditation

There is a Live Oak in New Orleans called the Tree of Life.

Locals love it, and all who discover this massive and beautiful tree on their visits return to be in awe of it’s incredible canopy, roots, body and presence.

This tree, and truly all of Nature, has so much to teach us.

The video below speaks to this, and includes a meditation that will help you connect and shift into a state of remembrance and desire to contribute to the beauty of the world.

I hope you enjoy this video, which weaves my own personal perspective with that of the trees, sharing teachings from Anusara® yoga that go straight to the heart.

Anusara yoga in New Orleans

To me, New Orleans is home

Your Essential Nature: An Ocean Meditation

I just spent a week by the ocean in Tulum, Mexico. To me, the ocean is such an incredibly healing presence. It invites a mindful return to the vast, beautiful truth of who you are.

Though I did try to shoot a full yoga practice video for you, it didn’t turn out. However, I have this lovely little meditation for you instead.

The video below guides you through a meditation that calls to your essence, inviting you to attune to nature. Enjoy the waves of your breath as you take a few minutes to meditate.

This meditation calls upon the resonance of the ocean to bring a pure, clear quality of being. With each breath you can become more and more connected to your natural self.

Open to receive each breath as a gift, and you will feel the pure clarity of beauty in every aspect of your being.

Please leave a comment below if you enjoyed this!

Brightest blessings to you.

The Gems of Yoga Dancing in Indra’s Web (Indra’s Net)

Yoga, to me, invites you to dance on infinite paths that are all going on the same pilgrimage through different routes.

It allows you to surrender your struggle and live skillfully in harmony with life.

Yoga reminds you that your essence is goodness, and that you are connected to everything else through the pulsating energy that creates, sustains, and dissolves all back into itself. And this practice helps you cultivate tolerance and understanding so that you can recognize the essence of goodness in others, as well as inviting a natural and joyful celebration of life!

The gems on Indra’s Web are a great example of the infinite expression of the One, and a lovely thing to meditate upon.

Indra’s Net (or World Wide Web)

Technically I believe it’s called Indra’s Net, though for some reason the term ‘Web’ works better for me. Maybe because the Internet, or World Wide Web, is such a fascinating  phenomenon that so closely reflects the universal creativity of Indra’s Web.

Just as the Internet gives us a chance to express ourselves creatively, to connect across vast distance, and to learn from each other, Indra’s web offers us

The Sacred Temple of You

This video and meditation help you re-connect with your own magnificence.

Think of a place you consider sacred.

It could be a cathedral, a forest, a mountain, a temple… Perhaps it is your favorite river bend or a corner of your backyard. Maybe you’ve made a pilgrimage to a holy place of personal significance.

With the idea of this sacred place in your mind, consider how would behave there. What thoughts do you have? Does the way you move change? How do you feel and act when you are in sacred company?

The respect, kindness, and thoughtfulness we use to honor that which we consider sacred are equally as appropriate to apply to ourselves. Perhaps even more so.

You are an embodiment of divinity. The essence that holds the universe within itself also holds itself within you.

Om Namah Shivaya Mantra – Amazing Grace – Free Music Download

Om Namah Shivaya is one of my favorite mantras. I sing it to many melodies, let it whisper quietly within me, or just feel it in the heart of meditation.

It is a Maha Mantra; a great mantra that has been passed from teacher to student for thousands of years.

It brings you back to the simplest, most comforting truth by affirming that the essence of everything that is, is good. You are a good person. You are connected to so much that is auspicious and divine.

Om Namah Shivaya guides you into your heart space and holds you in a warmth that reveals a deep peace that has always been with you and is always available if you simply follow your breath and the pulsation of your heart.

I would like to offer you a free download of me singing this mantra. It isn’t a perfect recording, but it carries the vibration of love, peace, and beauty. May it bring you great joy.

Right click to download this song: Om Namah Shivaya to Amazing Grace

I intend to, at some point, get into a recording studio and do this properly, but for now, this is what I have to give. If you enjoy it, please share it with friends and family by bringing them to this page.

May this great mantra resonate love and peace into the hearts of all beings.

Om Namah Shivaya.

Katrina Ariel

Tuning In With Nature: A Full Moon Eclipse Winter Solstice!

Want to hear something really amazing?

Scientists have found that the Earth and human beings resonate at the same frequency. To the best of my knowledge we’re the only beings living on this planet that actually vibrate at the same rate as the planet itself.

To me this is very real proof of our intrinsic connection to Mother Earth.

All ancient civilizations and indigenous cultures have honored the cycles of Nature and lived in ways that respected the direct relationship between the Earth and themselves. They lived in reciprocity and balance with the world around them.

Somehow our modern culture has created an illusion of separation from Nature. But so many people are finding ways to come back into balanced relationship with Mother Earth.

Tonight is a full moon eclipse on the eve of Winter Solstice! (Note: If you are reading this at a different time, the message still has meaning, simply discover what cycle Nature offers to you in the moment and feel how you want to honor it).

Celestial bodies are aligning, demonstrating yet again the perfection and incredible beauty of Nature’s Dance. This is a perfect time to become more in tune with this dance ourselves, and create our own experience of Divine Alignment.

The practice I offer you here blends the practice of yoga with Peruvian Incan Shamanism. This practice is offered in complete respect of what you already hold true in your heart – your own belief system can be honored with this sweet ceremony.

Meditation: Bringing In The Love Light

Let me get straight to it; Light and Love are the two most powerful forces we can work with. With these frequencies of energy and our intention, we can transform anything.

Think of the term “Enlightened”. It literally speaks of being of the light, of embodying light. This is the goal of so many people and spiritual disciplines; to become an Enlightened One.

Yet often this seems an unattainable thing, especially living in this busy world. We don’t have time to go sit under a sacred tree for 40 days, or wander the desert, or retreat into a cave.

So how do we, as everyday people, become enlightened?

Practice bringing more light and love into your life. Practice living from the heart.

When I teach yoga, the goal of every single class is to bring you into your heart space. To guide you in a practice that helps you reconnect to who you truly are; a good person who is capable of feeling myriad emotions and experiencing a full spectrum of life.

You have the choice of what state you choose to be in most of the time. Sure, we ride waves of emotion and experience many things, but we can do so from a place of fear or separateness, or we can choose to feel from a place of love and a knowingness that everything is interconnected.

Bringing in light and love does not have to be complicated. In fact, you can practice it right now.

Mini-Meditation: Being the Love Light

Sit beautifully and take a deep breath.

Heart Space Meditation

The following meditation cultivates a spaciousness and light in your heart center, and a connection to the heart that holds us all.

When you are moved you feel it in your heart.

If the emotion you’re feeling is joyful or loving, you’ll likely feel uplifted, open, and bright. If the emotion is fear based or sadness, chances are both your posture and your internal feeling will be more closed down and contracted.

The more you practice feeling joy, love, peace and the like, the more these qualities show up in your life. The same goes for fear based feelings.

We create patterns based on what we experience, so you’ll find yourself greatly rewarded for cultivating an attitude that brings brightness to your heart.

Even knowing this, however, it is sometimes a challenge,

Earth Yoga in the Redwoods

I love trees.

I’ve probably mentioned this before, but it just amazes me how great my capacity is to find awe and beauty in them. Trees remind me to come back to my center.

They are living examples of the interconnectedness of all things.

Here’s a short video of an impromptu yoga/meditation practice I did in Redwood National Forest when I was there last.

As you watch the video, breathe deeply and feel your own connection to the trees of this planet.

Trees breathe us. In the complete awe and majesty I found in the Redwoods, surrounded by the biggest trees I’ve ever seen, I breathed SO deeply.