The Tree Of Life In New Orleans: An Anusara Yoga Meditation

There is a Live Oak in New Orleans called the Tree of Life.

Locals love it, and all who discover this massive and beautiful tree on their visits return to be in awe of it’s incredible canopy, roots, body and presence.

This tree, and truly all of Nature, has so much to teach us.

The video below speaks to this, and includes a meditation that will help you connect and shift into a state of remembrance and desire to contribute to the beauty of the world.

I hope you enjoy this video, which weaves my own personal perspective with that of the trees, sharing teachings from Anusara® yoga that go straight to the heart.

Anusara yoga in New Orleans

To me, New Orleans is home. I don’t live here full time, but I visit often as my parents are here and my ‘roots’ are deep in this city, both ancestral roots and energetic ones.

The teachers here, including Laura Flora, Cat McCarthy, Aaron Lind, Keith Porteous and Michele Baker, as well as so many other beautiful people, feel like family. This is a strong kula, and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of it.

This tree is massive! The trunk is about 8 feet wide.

My heart feels at home here. Part of that is the sheer love I have for the people and city, and part of it is the trees. I can wander for many hours in the parks and streets here.

The magnificence of these great trees surrounds you here. It’s an amazing feeling.

To sweeten my already wonderful visit, I’ve been fortunate to spend the much of the past week with my teacher and the founder of Anusara yoga, John Friend.

John recognizes the special way New Orleans celebrates life and death, the soulful people here, and the thin veil between the world of spirit and that which we experience.

The pulse of life here is strong.

You feel it in the music, you see it in the faces of the people who say hi and wave when you walk by. You know it when you watch the Spanish Moss sway in the breeze as it clings to the Oaks and Cypress.

Nature makes me feel so humble. Trees especially.

I asked John about embodying humility, and what, beyond the big picture of constantly being in remembrance of Spirit, I can specifically do to cultivate being humble.

John replied with a smile, telling me to always come from the desire to serve. When you come from a loving heart, being of service helps you not put yourself first, but instead contribute to beauty and balance around you. You look around and just notice what is needed; what can I do to help?

Sometimes it’s just BEING the vibration that contributes to uplift the situation.

If someone is sad or having a hard time, it may be that words or actions aren’t helpful, but you can still bring the vibration of love and peace into the room, and that is a beautiful act of service.

His answer was sweet. It is a perfect reflection of what I see him do every day. When John looks at you, he gives blessings.

We can do this as well – every time your eyes meet someone else’s, you can send blessings. Being of service isn’t demeaning, it’s empowering because it places you in your own heart. You step into your power, into your authentic self, by living your life in a way that contributes to love and beauty.

How perfect. What a gorgeous expression of yoga.

And though these are things I have heard and felt in John’s teachings before, it was beautiful to have them re-introduced to my very receptive mind and grateful heart in the magical setting of New Orleans as the next cycle of the year is ushered in.

In the video above I’ve spoken on this and much more, so I hope you enjoy it.

Please leave a comment below and tell me what your thoughts are…

May we all find the deep and generous wisdom in our connections with each other and Nature. May we serve, joyfully and from the heart, the goodness of life.