A Sweet Reminder – Any Time Will Do

crystalcaveOne of the best things about meditation is that absolutely any effort can be beneficial.

Five minutes a day is fabulous. Ten minutes before bed is lovely. Sitting in your car (parked, of course) for three minutes of silence and calm is totally worthwhile.

Did you do your meditation this morning? I didn’t. But, as my twin toddlers played happily by themselves, I found a few minutes this afternoon to sit, breathe, and re-connect. It made a big difference, even if the room was nothing like silent.

This is a sweet reminder to take the time you have and reconnect with your whole self.

Sit. Breathe. Relax. Reconnect.

Do you have two minutes right now?

Close your eyes. Turn inward. Breathe.

Ah, that’s so nice.

The same rule goes for the asana side of yoga: any effort is worthwhile.

crescentI am on my yoga mat for 15 minutes each morning without fail. I would not be much fun to be around if I didn’t give myself this time.

Getting to a yoga class each week is absolutely wonderful!

And if all you can manage is ten minutes of Legs up the Wall pose at the end of the day, please know that you’re giving yourself an incredible gift.

Any time will do. Just remember to take care of you by doing what works. Breathe, move, and notice how much it enhances your experience of living.