The Vibration of Healing

It’s amazing how many layers there are to life. Yoga helps us become more attuned to the subtle levels, even as we work with the physical.

In asana, if you move from the subtle – from the breath, your ability to create harmony in your practice is so much clearer. In contrast, if you forget about the fullness of who you are and just focus on the physical, the practice tends to harden and freedom is more elusive.

Your body is one of your greatest teachers. It reflects what you think, speak, and experience. What you bring in, hold onto, and create energetically or emotionally tends to show up physically as well.

Though the full spectrum of emotions tend to appear at some time or another, certain feelings can become habitual. For instance, you may know someone who generally reacts to bumps in the road of life with irritation or anger, while another uses laughter and acceptance.

When emotions create tension, it can manifest physically. The key is to shift the emotions that do not serve (fear, anxiety, frustration, impatience, etc.) into higher vibrations (wonder, joy, and so on).

There is one energy that is the greatest healer. This is the resonance that raises the vibration of you (body, mind, and heart) to a place of light and wholeness. You already know what it is…


The more you can bring the energy of love into your life, the more light and healing you experience. It is so simple, and so very profound.


Sit beautifully, aligning yourself with deep respect for your body.

Make space for your breath.

Close your eyes and feel yourself be breathed.

Attune to the spark of infinity that dwells within your heart.

Know that you are loved more than you could imagine.

With each heart beat, each breath, feel the pulsation of life within.

Witness the master energy of love swell to fill you.

See it as a beautiful light that penetrates every cell of your body, every aspect of your being, with the healing vibration of wholeness.

Take your time.

Breathe the light within.

Shine love into the places that need healing.

You are this light.

You are made from this vibration of love.

Welcome home!

Love, light, and healing,

Katrina Ariel

2 thoughts on “The Vibration of Healing

  1. Amazing what a difference pausing to be aware of one’s breath and the love available from within makes to any given moment! Thanks for the remnder and the gentle way you express it.

  2. Every day I get to practice with pride and renewal, closing the circle. Smiling from the heart, my great healer with each breath.

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