Balancing Hormones With Yoga

Me-OakTree-Child01When you practice yoga in balance – in alignment, with awareness and mindfulness of breath – it all contributes to balancing hormones. Rather than breaking it down to specific poses in your mind (which could give the more limited idea that only those poses help), know that the whole practice of yoga creates more harmony.

Part of what makes yoga so healing is bringing more circulation to the body, which nourishes every system including the glands which produce hormones. Also, yoga can be enormously beneficial in lowering your stress levels. This alone supports harmonious hormones, as many of our hormones are designed to react to stress.

Knowing this, there are certain poses and groups of poses that can help you find balance.

Happiness In Times Of Turmoil

ocean-meditationAre things that bad?

Well, on one hand, yes. There are wars being fought, economies collapsing, governments totally dropping the ball, morally bankrupt corporations that have way too much power, and a very real need to nurture our environment.

On the other hand, there are more people at this time than ever before who are raising their awareness of how we’re all interconnected, and how important it is to act in accordance.

We’ve reached critical mass of positive people; people who are choosing to live in ways that reduce their harm to the earth and others. In fact, we’ve surpassed critical mass. We’re the new wave of global, multi-generational citizens who have decided it is time for change.

“So is it possible to be happy in these chaotic times?” Yes. Definitely.

Awakening the World

How many times have you wished the people of the world would wake up, choose peace, and decide to live happily together on this beautiful planet?

Well, the good news is that the world IS awakening. 

And you are a part of it… 

Yoga is quickly becoming an aspect in the lives of many. 

The physical and meditative practices, uplifting philosophy, and increased awareness of yoga provides support and inspiration, creating an integrated web of open minded, light hearted people who share a similar vision of enlightened existence.

The extended family of yogis and yoginis is creating quite a community. One that comes together to celebrate life and remember their connection with a bigger energy. 

This web of consciousness has been built on the foundation of ancient wisdom and the efforts of every human being that has graced this planet with a life of service and love.

When you step mindfully onto your mat, or sit with awareness for meditation, you tap into unfathomable power. 

Through yoga you can transform your experience of the world, and as you feel more freedom, joy, and awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, your energy ripples out to touch the hearts and minds of others. 

Together we co-participate in the Awakening of the World!


Please add a comment below and tell me how you are contributing to peace, awareness, beauty and the greater world community through your yoga.

What do you seek?

Are you looking for a more enjoyable relationship with your body?

Do you crave a deeper connection in your soul?

Is your mind in desperate need of peace and calm?

These are all reasons people seek out yoga. Often the promise of more strength and flexibility is the first motivation. Or a desire to be free from pain.

Other times the curiosity of ancient knowledge or a proven method of realizing enlightenment are the primary draws.

Whatever your reasons are for choosing yoga, whether you are a beginner or an advanced yogi, there is always more available to you.

Lifetimes could and have been spent pursuing the path of yoga; union of mind, body, heart, and the energy that pulsates throughout the universe.

What do you seek? 

What freedom would you like to find through this practice?

And how can I help?

As a devoted student and dedicated teacher of yoga, my dharma is to seek and offer wisdom and methods to bring more enjoyment and fulfillment to the lives of any who come to me for guidance.

As an Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher™, I have trained with some of the world’s most highly respected instructors. I continually refine my skills, both as a practitioner and teacher of yoga, and have over 1000 hours of training and years of experience to offer out as expertise. 

I am deeply honored to teach yoga. I feel such humility knowing that this practice is life changing, and that the teachings I share have transformed the lives of hundreds of people.

In an effort to help as many people as possible, I have developed Online Yoga Services to make this method of life enhancement widely accessible.

In addition to my Free Yoga Services and Empowering Products, I have an Ask a Yogini section, where I invite you to bring me your questions.

May you find what you are seeking here. May you discover the truths and practices that bring contentedness of being, a joyful heart, a peaceful mind, and a body free of pain and full of vitality!