How To Get On Your Yoga Mat… Even When You Don’t Want To

Sometimes the hardest part of a yoga practice is rolling out the mat and actually starting in the first place.

This video gives you 3 easy ways to get past that lack of motivation into the infinite rewards of practicing yoga.

You’ll like it. Really. There’s chocolate involved. 🙂

  1. Just start doing yoga, wherever you are, however you can.
  2. Bribe yourself, knowingly and kindly, with a treat.
  3. Make your practice a dance of devotion

What motivates you to get on your mat? Please post a comment below and let me know.

10 thoughts on “How To Get On Your Yoga Mat… Even When You Don’t Want To

  1. This is such a great way to motivate people to do practice! You’re so cute in your explanations!

    Thank you for the practical and down to earth guidance you bring. You’re a fantastic teacher!

  2. Thanks so much, Scott! Your kindness means a lot. And bringing all the lofty wisdom into the reality of life is what it’s all about, eh?

  3. Hi Katrina!
    Thanks for such a warm, full hearted video!
    I find that the process of simple awareness and observation helps to create changes in our habits .For example I tell my students that becoming aware and alert to the breath can lead us to refocus and relax into more proper breathing patterns. This transcends to all areas of our being. Being aware of unnecessary emotions, bad postural habits, extra muscular tension can help us learn more about what we are feeling so we can start to make positive changes. Seems so simple but we are so caught up in the rat race that we are no longer mindful of our inner and out bodies. I love your thoughts…..thank you so much for your wonderful insight. cheers!

  4. Mary,

    I love what you’ve said about breath here. The simple act of being aware of the breath can change so much by bringing a natural flow and more mindfulness over all. You’re making a wonderful contribution with what you teach. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I’m so glad you find value in what I offer.

  5. ‘Loved the three suggestions for getting on the mat — simple and I think will be effective for me. They also give me three alternate ways to approach a day’s practice that adds some variety. Thanks much!

  6. You’re quite welcome! Thanks for watching and leaving a comment. So wonderful that you find these suggestions helpful!

  7. I am so aware of my breath when walking down the hall at work. Standing tall shoulders back as the four corners of my feet are touching the earth, or when my mind clouds over with thougths.
    Thanks for your smile and wisdom.

  8. Terry that’s so great! I find that the more often I am aware of my breath and how I interact with the world through my body, the more joyful and peaceful I feel. I do hope it is the same for you. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Katrina- fantastic- thanks for sharing. Next practice I’ll be honoring you as a teacher who has brought me so much. Thanks fir being so REAL!
    Namaste- Om Shanti


  10. Marcia, thank you so much for your kindness. I’m honored to be one of your teachers!


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