What Is Your Path To God?

buddha-god“God is in glue?”

Me: “What’s God?”
Mom: “God is everything.”
Me: “You mean God is the table? The bed? The cat?”
Mom: “Yes.”
Me: “God’s in glue?”

I remember this conversation with my mom. I was very young, maybe 4 or 5. We were sitting at a miniature table doing crafts or something, and the topic of God came up. Now this is my fuzzy and probably oversimplified recollection of it, but the basic idea still holds.

That was basically the foundation of my own personal belief system. God is in the glue. God IS the glue, that which holds it all together and lets it all fall apart to be renewed.

Infinite Paths

Is even possible to count the vast number of philosophies and methods of finding God (or Supreme Consciousness, or whatever word you prefer to use for that indescribable source energy)? Really, it must be expanding every day.

Each heart feels its own connection, each mind interprets differently; your own experience of what you believe is unique to you.