Into the Sanctuary of the Heart

wildthingReconnecting with yourself is what yoga is all about. Not just part of who you are, but the wholeness, the fullness of YOU.

In every day life, it’s easy to get caught up in your mind, tangled in thoughts of past and future, and often just scrambling to get by. Your sense of self can become cloudy or dulled by inside pressure and outside events.

Yoga offers a way to create clarity: to breathe away the inner “dust” on the mirror of the heart and remember your true, sparkling nature.

I hope you’ll join me for a very special two hour yoga class in two weeks, Sunday, May 3rd.

I don’t plan to teach another class until the fall (if then), so please come out and enjoy this chance to immerse yourself in the flow of your practice and the sound of my voice.

My theme for this Sunshine Sunday is “Into the Sanctuary of the Heart.” Here’s what you can expect:

I’ll lead you through an invigorating, active asana session that will help you get out of your head and into the moment. Though challenging, this portion of the class is still moderately paced and variations are offered for any skill level.

After some juicy hip openers and freeing chest openers, we’ll slow things down and I’ll invite you to follow your breath right into the center of yourself with a short but satisfying meditation.

supta-baddhakonasana02We’ll finish with a deeply healing restorative session, allowing every system of your body, including your internal organs and nervous system, a chance to relax and receive nourishment on a profound level.

And, of course, I will sing to you in savasana.

The ultimate practice, of course, is to maintain a sense of presence in each moment.

And we can all do this, day by day, holding the intention to come back to the heart again and again, each time we get pulled too far into our heads.

Classes like the upcoming Sunshine Sunday help to restore that practice by creating a clear, powerful resonance with who you truly are. Not that it is ever lost, for YOU are always full and whole, it’s just a chance to remember that truth in such a way that the experience is enhanced in a beautiful and profound way.

I hope to see you there! Click Here to Register Today


Into the Heart:

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. ~ Helen Keller

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. ~ Swami Sivananda

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
~ Dalai Lama