Remember Who You Are

woman-lake-open-arms45384656Often, when you focus on others and all the things that must be done, it can be challenging to take time to care for yourself. It’s easy to get lost in the busyness of this season, especially.

Spending time with people and being productive are great! But it’s vital to stay centered in yourself, too.

Here are some ideas to help:

1. Be present. The potency of who you are and what life is all exists in the current moment. Show up. Be here. Now. This is vital.

2. Focus on love. It has been said that there are only ever two choices: fear or love. Choose love. Every time.

3. Remember who you are. Yoga offers the perspective that all of life is intertwined, truly all is One. The energy that breathes you, that weaves the Universe, lives within you and experiences itself as you.

You are Divine. It is very human to forget this, so lovingly remind yourself as often as necessary. 🙂

As yoga reminds us, again and again, if in doubt, just breathe.

Take a few deep breaths, center into yourself, and bring the blessings of the moment to the forefront of your experience.

For the love of YOU!


P.S. Are you still looking for a gift for someone who enjoys yoga? My book, Yoga for Dragon Riders, ships directly from Amazon, and they’ll even gift wrap it for you!