Into the Heart of the Bhagavad Gita

The wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita has guided practitioners of yoga through the ages. From Gandhi to the humblest student of yoga and life, this text has been cherished as a way to gain insight on how to live skillfully and connect with Supreme Spirit.

When I was last pouring myself into this particular study, I decided to go into the Akashic Records of the Bhagavad Gita for a more direct connection. Wow! Talk about pure Ananda (highest bliss)!

The Akashic Records allow access to energy and information that has been incredibly helpful, healing, and transformational for myself and thousands of others who do this work. To learn more about the Akashic Records, get a reading, or learn how to access them yourself, visit my dear friend Juliette Looye’s Akashic Records page on her website.

A Message from the Bhagavad Gita

Below is a portion of what I received in the Akashic Records of the Bhagavad Gita. You can think of it as a message from the Heart of the living wisdom it contains.

Keep in mind, this is a message coming from one of the greatest poems of all time. The language and flow of what came through in this was such a delight for me! So much beauty.

Note: As you read this, notice what makes your heart sing and brighten, for those are the parts that are there for you!

“Rejoice! You have come to the heart of love and wisdom, to the path of true royalty. This is the way to deepest delight and sparkling, bubbling joy! You already walk this path, yet this text so dearly wants to lead you more completely Into The Mystery, diving down the rabbit hole of Grace.

Rejoice! For your heart knows truth when you read these words of God, and even more you have the skill to interpret for yourself and see the glimmering pieces which are most relevant for you. This text is ever unfolding. Allow it to be so for you; an unending gift of love.

Rejoice, dear child of Goddess laughter, for you have reached the Warrior’s tenderness. You walk in a realm of magic and limitless wonder – here you will find the keys to all you desire. Open without hinderance to what is given and the purest star birthing light is yours.

Rejoice, dear one. Rejoice.

(Referring to verses 18:46-18:47 of the Gita) This is the golden key. Do your own work. Live your dharma. Be your divine self and offer all your actions to the Divine.

By honouring your own unique experience and calling you glorify God. By being true to yourself you align with the Highest Truth. By taking joy in the giving and being receptive without clinging, worry vanishes and you are carried by the wings of immeasurable Love (Shiva), fueled by imperishable energy (Shakti).

See life like the Gita. In each moment time offers you lessons and joys, yet each of these petals leads to the jewel heart which is revealed more completely in some instances than others.

Then, through your practice, you will begin to see the jewel in each petal, and as you taste and touch and see and hear and smell each aspect of the growing rose vine of life, you will thrill at the grand realization that pulses in you and all around you. “ANANDA!” it sings. “I am that, I am.” All is God. All is Goddess. All is within you, and you are beyond it all.

Allow your work to be an open offering gliding from your hands and heart. As you put it out into the world it becomes God’s work and there is no need to grasp at it. Simply keep receiving of the Source and offering of the highest skill and love.

This is healing – this unrestricted flow. This is the way of Nature. This is how suffering melts in the sweetness of purity.”

There was more, and by the time I was finished my experience was one of dancing Shakti energy and the purest love I’d ever felt.

I share this here to offer you another perspective on the Gita. Perhaps it inspires you to revisit the text or sparks a new passion for ways you can bring its wisdom through in your life.

If you have never studied this text, there are so many translations you could get lost in the sheer choice of which one to read. It is good to explore multiple points of view, as each author interprets the text differently. Personally, I recommend the translations by Stephen Mitchell and also Juan Mascaro.

And, for a Tantric point of view from one of my favorite teachers of all time, read “Poised for Grace” which is a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita by Douglas Brooks, complete with a forward by John Friend.

Thank you for reading this with respect. I welcome your comments and your own insights on the Gita below.

4 thoughts on “Into the Heart of the Bhagavad Gita

  1. Katrina,

    Your gentle, humble way of offering this makes it welcome. The content is stimulating and soothing at the same time. Its messages are ones I will revisit often. Thank you!

  2. hi Mom! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. It’s really special to be able to share this with you.

    Love you!

  3. Katrina, this is beautiful. As I prepare to begin working with new group of students tonight, this part of your message from the Akashic Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones resonated with me most deeply . . .

    “Allow your work to be an open offering gliding from your hands and heart. As you put it out into the world it becomes God’s work and there is no need to grasp at it. Simply keep receiving of the Source and offering of the highest skill and love. . . . This is healing – this unrestricted flow. This is the way of Nature. This is how suffering melts in the sweetness of purity.”

    Amazing. Thank you so much.

  4. Juliette,

    Isn’t that beautiful! As the message was coming through I was thrilled and humbled by the poetry and brilliance of it.

    Have a wonderful class, and thank you for teaching me how to access these records of truth and insight!

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